Topic/written work
During your first year in comprehensive you are
usually required to complete 3 speaking and listening assessments - one paired,
one group and one individual- let’s continue getting you well prepared for this
This half term we will be completing our next speaking and
listening assessment. You need to decide on the wonders of your world and you
are going to talk about and then present this to the class. Some topic ideas
might be: family, a favourite holiday, an unusual experience or event… be
imaginative! You need to spend the time now preparing and practising your
speech (see the success criteria below). You can prepare a PowerPoint as a
visual aid, but this must be pictures and only a few key words (so you don’t
just read off the slides!). You may prefer to have a crib sheet of the key
points and some images/ objects to hand out if you prefer! You have three -
four weeks to prepare for this, at home and some lesson time too. Choose
something of interest to you!
Below is a success criteria list to keep you focussed!
The wonders of my World
Speaking and Listening task
4-6 minutes in length (keep
it focussed, interesting and relevant facts!)
WOW words (these will be
words that relate to your chosen subject.)
Clear, loud and expressive
Eye contact
Well prepared
Formal tone
Standard English (as the
Queen speaks!)
Intonation (varying tone
and volume for effect!)
Gesture (good body language
and hand positioning/ movement - not in your pockets!)
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