Thursday, 28 April 2016


Homework: Week 3 Summer 1

Numeracy (Mr Munday’s class)
Here’s a link to the national test practices and also an English SATS version. To save paper and print out loads of tests, please type in the link and practice these questions ready for your tests. If you are feeling confident, try the Year 7 ones!

Summer 1 topic

Our topic this term is called  'Going for Gold' and will be linked into the Olympics- we will be doing some historical and geographical research as well as linking our vale of COURAGE into the topic. Our writing focus will be biographies.
We will be revising lots of areas in maths as well as completing some volume, ratio and probability.
Keep working hard and aiming for those star of the weeks!

Friday, 5 February 2016

Star of the week

Well done Megan - ready for high school!

High school transition day

Don't forget next Tuesday is a sports    transition day at Hawthorn High. Arrive in school at normal time and don't forget suitable clothing, a packed lunch and some water. We will return to school before the end of the school day 

Friday, 29 January 2016


We are very fortunate to be working with Hawthorn High School, the WRU and Mr Campbell to develop our rugby skills! Some stars for the future!

Thursday, 28 January 2016


Don't forget your oracy presentations next week- you have had plenty of time to rehearse, research and develop your speech- I am looking forward to listening to your speeches next week!

Friday, 8 January 2016

Stars of the week- previous!

We have finally got some pictures of you - well done for your previous efforts in being the star pupils last term


Well done Millie
You fully deserve this award for all your hard work!

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Speaking and Listening homework for Spring term 1

Topic/written work
During your first year in comprehensive you are usually required to complete 3 speaking and listening assessments - one paired, one group and one individual- let’s continue getting you well prepared for this process!

This half term we will be completing our next speaking and listening assessment. You need to decide on the wonders of your world and you are going to talk about and then present this to the class. Some topic ideas might be: family, a favourite holiday, an unusual experience or event… be imaginative! You need to spend the time now preparing and practising your speech (see the success criteria below). You can prepare a PowerPoint as a visual aid, but this must be pictures and only a few key words (so you don’t just read off the slides!). You may prefer to have a crib sheet of the key points and some images/ objects to hand out if you prefer! You have three - four weeks to prepare for this, at home and some lesson time too. Choose something of interest to you!
Below is a success criteria list to keep you focussed!

The wonders of my World
Speaking and Listening task

o   4-6 minutes in length (keep it focussed, interesting and relevant facts!)
o   WOW words (these will be words that relate to your chosen subject.)
o   Clear, loud and expressive voice.
o   Eye contact
o   Well prepared
o   Formal tone
o   Standard English (as the Queen speaks!)
o   Intonation (varying tone and volume for effect!)
o   Gesture (good body language and hand positioning/ movement - not in your pockets!)

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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Welcome to Spring term

                                                                                                                January 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you all had a restful and exciting Christmas holiday. Outlined below are some details with regards to the structure of this term.                 
* coordinates/ Map work/ fractions

* brochure writing

* water habitats

* Netball and Dance

* Paper collage

* Publisher

* Gwyliau (holidays)

* Linked to the value of the term- truthfulness

*Geographical skills

Our P.E days will be on Monday and Wednesday this term. Please can you ensure that all pupils make every effort to bring their kits into school for this essential area of child development. For the rest of this year, all Yr5 and Yr6 pupils will continue to work with the WRU and a rugby development officer to develop their rugby skills. The officer will continue to come to Coedpenmaen School once a fortnight on a Friday, starting next Friday, 15th January.

Yours faithfully,

Yrs 5 and 6 staff