Homework: Week 5 Autumn Year 6
work (Mr Munday’s class)
Find wow words that you could use in your persuasion
writing - any words you find that I don’t know the meaning of might earn you a
dojo! (use your dictionaries to help!)
(Mr Munday’s class)
and learn, off by heart, your addition Learn
Its. I will test you on these next week. All Learn Its from 1 + 1 to 9 + 9. These are so useful; if you know
9 + 8 =17 then you know 90 + 80, 9 million + 8 million, 17 -8 and so on!
Keep practising those tables and reading. Focus on 2,3,4,5, and 10 for your tables.
Keep practising those tables and reading. Focus on 2,3,4,5, and 10 for your tables.