Monday, 23 March 2015


Topic/written work

 After Easter you will be assessed for your oracy (speaking and listening). Your topic will be 'All about me'. You need to talk for 3-5 minutes all about yourself- family, hobbies, interests, friends etc. You can use a PowerPoint to support your work BUT DO NOT PUT LOTS OF TEXT ON THIS AND JUST READ FROM THE BOARD!
All assessment marks will go towards your final Literacy level! There will be some time in school to develop this too. Start early so you can be well prepared!

This week's spelling pattern - words with double l when adding ed or ing e.g controlled (as last week due to so many events happening in school!)

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
Tables, tables, tables- Spend the fortnight learning ALL your tables off by heart- Mr Hopkins (the maths transition teacher) says this is the most important step you can make to help with your transition.

There is also a task for you in the Abacus learning platform linked to tables!

Science week

A great week of learning and some new scientific knowledge for oak class 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

This week's homework- Oak maths group-  a tricky maths sheet practising fractions this week
Spelling pattern  for the week - words with double l when ...ed or is added for example controlled
Keep preparing you 'All about me' presentation

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Cardiff museum

Here are some long awaited photos from our great trip to Cardiff museum

Museum trip

Museum trip tomorrow and Red Nose Day. Don't forget your money and your thinking skills for the afternoon!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

This week's homework - week ending 12 March 2015

Here's the homework link for this week!

measuring skills for Oak Maths group

Have a go at some measuring skills

This week's spelling pattern - words ending with -ship or -hood   e.g championship

After Easter you will be assessed for your oracy (speaking and listening). Your topic will be 'All about me'. You need to talk for 3-5 minutes all about yourself- family, hobbies, interests, friends etc. You can use a PowerPoint to support your work BUT DO NOT PUT LOTS OF TEXT ON THIS AND JUST READ FROM THE BOARD!
All assessment marks will go towards your final Literacy level! There will be some time in school to develop this too. Start early so you can be well prepared!