Wednesday, 25 November 2015

This week's homework

Homework: Week 4 Autumn 2 Year 6

Topic/written work (Mr Munday’s class)
Please learn your verse for our poem, practice the Christmas songs and any words if you are a reader.

Numeracy (Mr Munday’s class)
Practice your data handling skills with a line graph this week.

Keep practising those tables and reading
. Our number focus this term is multiplication working up to multiplying hundredths and 3 digit by 2 digit numbers – table will be a big support for this.

Text Box: Pupil/ parent comment:Text Box: Pupil/ parent comment:

Friday, 20 November 2015

Friday, 13 November 2015

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

This week's homework

Homework: Week 2 Autumn 2 Year 6

Topic/written work (Mr Munday’s class)
We are writing some Christmas poems for our concert- a nice easy task this week think of as many different Christmas words and objects e.g. snowmen, elves, presents etc. to support our work.

Numeracy (Mr Munday’s class)
Multiplication worksheet linked to Big Maths- try and get to the bottom question; this is as hard as it gets for multiplication in Year 6!

Keep practising those tables and reading
. Our number focus this term is multiplication working up to multiplying hundredths and 3 digit by 2 digit numbers – table will be a big support for this.

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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Week 5 homework

Homework: Week 5 Autumn Year 6

Topic/written work (Mr Munday’s class)
Find wow words that you could use in your persuasion writing - any words you find that I don’t know the meaning of might earn you a dojo! (use your dictionaries to help!)

Numeracy (Mr Munday’s class)
Practice and learn, off by heart, your addition Learn Its. I will test you on these next week. All Learn Its from 1 + 1 to 9 + 9. These are so useful; if you know 9 + 8 =17 then you know 90 + 80, 9 million + 8 million, 17 -8 and so on!

Keep practising those tables and reading
. Focus on 2,3,4,5, and 10 for your tables.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Cilfynydd water centre

We had a great time learning all about water and rivers. Thank you welsh water

Week 4 homework

Homework: Week 4 Autumn Year 6

Topic/written work (Mr Mundays class)
Think of reasons for or against building the new Lido in Pontypridd. We will use these in class to help with our persuasion text.

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
Log on to your Abacus accounts and complete the task allocated to you.

Keep practising those tables and reading
. Focus on 2,3,4,5, and 10 for your tables.

Star of the week

Well done Mary- you a deserved winner this week!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Star of the week

Well done Katlyn- you are the star of the week for showing our value of respect... and working hard too!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Week 3 Homework

Homework: Week 3 Autumn Year 6

Topic/written work (Mr Mundays class)
We are focussing on adaptation this term. Please pick an animal from any habitat and draw a picture labelling any parts of the animal that are specially adapted to help it succeed in its habitat. Remember to label in capital letters

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
Maths sheet on addition of 1 and 2 decimal place numbers

Keep practising those tables and reading
. Focus on 2,3,4,5, and 10 for your tables.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Homework Week 2 Autumn

Homework: Week 2 Autumn Year 6

We are trying to minimise paper usage in the school so if you are happy to just read the homework on the blog then please let me know and I can cut down on photocopies.

Topic/written work (Mr Mundays class)
We will be looking at persuasion texts from next week. Your task this weekend is…
The world is about to blow up, but there is one more space left on a rocket ship to safety. Please can you pick someone (could be a famous person, a family member, someone from the past) and persuade me to take them on the rocket ship. Think of reasons why I should choose your person and be persuasive in your language too.

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
Maths sheet on place value.

Keep practising those tables and reading
. We will talk about precision learning for your tables over the next few weeks to support your learning in this area.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Welcome to Year 6

                                I hope you all had a restful and fun filled summer holiday. I am looking forward to working with the new Year 6 class this year and getting them all ready for the next big step- THE COMP! Outlined below are some details with regards to the structure of this term.

Our topic for the first half term is called, ‘A sense of place’. All National Curriculum subjects will link into this wherever possible. Below are some of the areas we aim to cover this term.

* Number/ problem solving

* persuasion

* adaptation and classification

* swimming/ ball sports

* Seurat

* Control

* Hamdden (hobbies)

* Linked to the value of the term

*Geographical skills

Our P.E days will be on Monday and Wednesday this term. Please can you ensure that all pupils make every effort to bring their kits into school for this essential area of child development. For this term (up until Christmas) Yr 6 pupils will be swimming on a Wednesday. Pupils need to bring appropriate kit for this activity

Reading will take place both individually and as part of group reading. Year 6 children are currently being assessed to gain a greater understanding of their individual needs in this area. Any extra reading is a huge benefit to your child - sharing a book daily will make a huge difference in their understanding and enjoyment. Times tables are also an important part of numerical development. Please support your child in learning these, they will be tested and their progress monitored throughout the year!

Homework will be given out either on Thursday or Friday, starting next week, to be returned by Wednesday unless stated. Homework will also be put on the blog.

If you have any queries I am usually available in the classroom after school. Thank you for your support and I look forward to a busy and productive autumn term.

Yours faithfully,

Mr C Munday
Homework: Week 1 Autumn Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! Some general information about homework for you!
* Please return by Wednesday unless stated
* Please stick all sheets into a homework book. Loose sheets are not acceptable in year 6. You can get a scrap book in Tesco/ WH Smiths to put your homework in.
*You will have a lot more homework in High school. Try and get used to organising yourself this year!

Topic/written work (Mr Mundays class)
A gentle task for your first week!
Can you watch the news/ read a paper/ look at BBC Newsround on the Internet and choose a news story you are happy to tell the class about next week

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
We all really need to practice our tables- our weekly tests will start next week! Please spend the time working on your quick recall of these essential facts. Once you are able to score 60 out of 72 then we can look at some different work.

Please make sure you have an equipped pencil case ready for next week- no excuses!
Here’s a list of what you need!

A pencil, sharpener, 6 inch ruler, colouring pencils and pens, a highlighter and a blue handwriting pen.

Friday, 1 May 2015

This week's homework

Next week we will have our national tests. Firstly, DO NOT WORRY about them! All you have to do is try your best, that is all you can ever do!
To get used to the style of the tests here are some links you can use to see the sort of questions you might come across.
Also, pop onto BBC Bitesize KS2- you take control of your learning and pick an area of maths/ Literacy that you feel you need to practice.
All info is on the blog too!


Thursday, 30 April 2015

Friday, 24 April 2015

Summer week 2 homework

Topic/written work (Mr Mundays class)
Please do some of your own research on the sixties and your topic. Bring this to school however you wish and you can use it in your presentation.

This week's spelling pattern (as last week) - words with double l when adding ed or ing e.g controlled

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
Please log in to the abacus learning platform to complete this week’s task

Next week we will be recapping on area and perimeter so have a practice of this if you wish. Don’t forget those tables too!

Monday, 23 March 2015


Topic/written work

 After Easter you will be assessed for your oracy (speaking and listening). Your topic will be 'All about me'. You need to talk for 3-5 minutes all about yourself- family, hobbies, interests, friends etc. You can use a PowerPoint to support your work BUT DO NOT PUT LOTS OF TEXT ON THIS AND JUST READ FROM THE BOARD!
All assessment marks will go towards your final Literacy level! There will be some time in school to develop this too. Start early so you can be well prepared!

This week's spelling pattern - words with double l when adding ed or ing e.g controlled (as last week due to so many events happening in school!)

Numeracy (Mr Mundays class)
Tables, tables, tables- Spend the fortnight learning ALL your tables off by heart- Mr Hopkins (the maths transition teacher) says this is the most important step you can make to help with your transition.

There is also a task for you in the Abacus learning platform linked to tables!

Science week

A great week of learning and some new scientific knowledge for oak class