Friday, 7 November 2014

Children In Need 2014

Our learning squad have been very busy planning another exciting fundraising day.
The theme is "Superheroes."
Children are invited to wear superhero costumes or pyjamas/onsies.
We are challenging everyone (including teachers) to find as much spare change around the house as they can. Look down the side of the sofa and in drawers.
Years 5 and 6 will be setting up their own stalls as part of their enterprise project.
All pupils in school will have a chance to visit the stalls to spend their pennies on face paints, nail varnish, games, lucky dips, bring and buy etc...
Please let us know if you do not want your child to have any face painting,  nail varnish or coloured hairspray.
We are looking forward to a fun Pudsey day and thank you for your support

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Enterprise Troopers - Maths Games

Have a go of these maths problems which are linked to shopping. How much profit can you make?

Mystery Shopper

Sushi Restaurant

Good luck entrepreneurs!

info graphics

We made info graphics of the skills and attributes we think are important to be a successful entrepreneur.
My apologies for some of them being upside down - teething problems. :(

Biographies - some simple online biographies to read.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Enterprise Troopers

We began our new topic entitled Enterprise Troopers today.  Here are some of our ideas for products we could sell.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Science in Ponty museum

Here are some photos of what we got up to when we went to the science exhibition in Pontypridd.